HDD is for a situation where it would be impractical to open cut an open trench for pipe laying, HDD would be used to resolve the problem of laying pipes under these circumstances with the least disturbance to existing structure and traffic flow.

HDD permits utilities to be installed in a path and at a depth that is controlled and guided without damage or disruption and with no impact on the above-ground surface.

HDD will be installed mainly on road crossing where open trenching cannot be done and the location where space of least 2.0m lengths X 1.5m width X 1.0 depth can be dug at the entry and exit points within the road reserve to accommodate the drilling process, equipment and materials.

UDM process with reports

UDM process with reports

UDM process with reports

UDM process with reports

UDM process with reports

UDM process with reports

HDD Machineries

HDD Machineries

HDD Machineries

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