Fiber Optic Cable
Fiber Optic Cable
Drop Cable
Cable Description
The optical fiber unit is positioned in the center, two parallel strength members are placed at the two sides, and a messenger wire as the additional strength member is also applied, then the cable is completed with an outer sheath.
1.1 Characteristics
- Excellent temperature performance
- Simple structure, lightweight, and high practicability
- The fluted design makes it easy for stripping and splicing
- Pre-terminated in the factory
- Especially suitable for last-mile aerial connectivity
- FTTH (Fiber to The Home)
1.2 Cable Spec
Items Specifications
Fiber count 1
- H1 5.3 u00b1 0.3 mm
- H2 3.0 u00b1 0.1 mm
- W 2.0 u00b1 0.1 mm
- Messenger wire u03a61.0 mm
- Strength member u03a60.5 mm
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